Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Benefits of Horse Gram Drink (Kollu)~By :ExpertLady

If you have HIGH CHOLESTEROL, want to reduce weight, have sinus issues-have loads of phlegm, in your chest-- try this BEST natural treatment:-
Stock 2kgs of kollu powder; get the gram from market;clean,wash ,dry, grind it into fine powder;
FRY it DRY add jeera salt if you WISH..
Just as you would drink instant coffee or horlicks or boost; boil water and add 2spoons of horsegram powder OR, mix in a cup of cold water and keep stirring till it thickens to porridge type..
Yes yes,
Side effects:-
It's very heaty; might end up with sores inside mouth;blisters; it by drinking plenty of buttermilk, drink plenty of something that your BODY TELLS you to balance it..but do not stop intake of will reduce weight dramatically, you will feel more energetic, remember you are consuming HORSEFOOD so more horsepower :P.
Enjoy all of you.. learn to keep fit, its VERY INTERESTING to LISTEN to your BODY..cheers
By :ExpertLady :)