Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Psoriasis ~home remedies

Psoriasis (sore-EYE-ah-sis) is a medical condition that occurs when skin cells grow too quickly. Faulty signals in the immune system cause new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells, so the cells pile up on the surface of the skin and lesions form.
Read more here:
Some natural remedies:
The ailment can be cured at home also, using the natural ways. In the following lines, we provide some home remedies for curing psoriasis. 
Home Remedy For Psoriasis: Simmer 25 grams each of dried burdock seed and chamomile flowers in 600 ml of water, for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture through a clean cloth, sweeten it with honey and store it in a refrigerator. Have 3 tablespoons of the decoction, 3 to 4 times a day, on a regular basis.
 In a small cup of olive oil, put 2 drops of calendula oil and 1 drop of oregano oil. Rub it on the affected area. In 4 cups of water, boil 4 marigold heads, for about 2 minutes. Once cooled, massage the lotion into your scalp. Then, wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Add lemon juice or cider vinegar to the rinsing water to ensure a thorough rinse.
 Mix a cup of freshly prepared bitter gourd juice with a tsp of limejuice. Drink this mixture every day, on an empty stomach, for 4 to 5 days.
 Mud packs are effective in treating psoriasis. Take powdered Fuller's earth and add enough water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, let it dry and rinse off. It will help remove toxins from your skin. 
Mix Aloe Vera gel and garlic oil in equal proportions. Apply on the affected area. This is a good natural remedy for psoriasis. Seawater is beneficial in curing psoriasis. Regular seawater baths as well as application of seawater over the affected parts is one of the best ways of treating psoriasis. Wash the affected area to ensure that it is clean. 
Next, apply cashew nut oil on it and keep it overnight. Wash off in the morning. Cabbage leaves act favorably in treating psoriasis. Remove the thick veins of the leaves and wash them thoroughly. Apply on the affected area. Hot Epsom salt bath is used to treat psoriasis. Apply olive oil after the Epsom salt bath. It will prove beneficial in curing psoriasis. 
Are there any psoriasis natural remedies? 
People are still unaware of the use of herbal remedies in the treatment of this illness. Since olden day's psoriasis is treated using natural remedies and have proved its efficiency. It is safe and will remove the disease from its base without causing any harmful effect on the human body. You can take these medicines for a long period of time without any fear in the mind. Psoriasis is a chronic condition and will require treatment for months to remove it completely from the surface of skin. 
Here are a few psoriasis natural remedies which will help you in curing your illness completely. It is a hectic task and you have to wait patiently for the results to show. You cannot expect a rapid cure as this illness have got deep seated roots in the human body. 
Sunlight- This is one of the best psoriasis natural remedy. The ultra violet rays produced by the sun are known to block the formation of cytokines. This will reduce the inflammation and decrease the severity of the illness. It is advisable to expose yourself to the sun daily for 10 minutes. You can start seeing changes in your illness after a time span of 6 months. Using sunscreen lotions having SPF more than 15 is also useful to control the itching and scaling present on the skin.
 • Warm Bath- This is one of the most important psoriasis natural remedies present nowadays. Add a little amount of vegetable oil into it and wash your skin daily. This will help in softening your skin and reduce itching. Do not remain in water for more than 10 minutes if you are suffering from this illness. 
Dead Sea Salt- It is known as the best psoriasis natural remedy present in today's world. The water contains all the essential ingredients required for clearing your skin problems. Check here for more detail: 


  1. Home Remedy for Psoriasis

    Causes & Symptoms of Psoriasis

    A chronic skin disease, psoriasis is basically of five types - plague psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, inverse psoriasis and erythrodermic psoriasis. It is characterized by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches on the skin. Also known as inflammatory skin condition, it is seen in both men and women and usually appears in the age of 15-30 years. Heredity factor, abnormality in the metabolism of amino acids and proteins, seasonal changes, injury to the skin and skin infections are some of the causes of psoriasis. The ailment can be cured at home also, using the natural ways. In the following lines, we provide some home remedies for curing psoriasis.

    Home Remedy For Psoriasis:

    Simmer 25 grams each of dried burdock seed and chamomile flowers in 600 ml of water, for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture through a clean cloth, sweeten it with honey and store it in a refrigerator. Have 3 tablespoons of the decoction, 3 to 4 times a day, on a regular basis.
    In a small cup of olive oil, put 2 drops of calendula oil and 1 drop of oregano oil. Rub it on the affected area.
    In 4 cups of water, boil 4 marigold heads, for about 2 minutes. Once cooled, massage the lotion into your scalp. Then, wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Add lemon juice or cider vinegar to the rinsing water to ensure a thorough rinse.
    Mix a cup of freshly prepared bitter gourd juice with a tsp of limejuice. Drink this mixture every day, on an empty stomach, for 4 to 5 days.
    Mud packs are effective in treating psoriasis. Take powdered Fuller's earth and add enough water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, let it dry and rinse off. It will help remove toxins from your skin.
    Mix Aloe Vera gel and garlic oil in equal proportions. Apply on the affected area. This is a good natural remedy for psoriasis.
    Seawater is beneficial in curing psoriasis. Regular seawater baths as well as application of seawater over the affected parts is one of the best ways of treating psoriasis.
    Wash the affected area to ensure that it is clean. Next, apply cashew nut oil on it and keep it overnight. Wash off in the morning.
    Cabbage leaves act favorably in treating psoriasis. Remove the thick veins of the leaves and wash them thoroughly. Apply on the affected area.
    Hot Epsom salt bath is used to treat psoriasis. Apply olive oil after the Epsom salt bath. It will prove beneficial in curing psoriasis.

  2. Are there any psoriasis natural remedies? People are still unaware of the use of herbal remedies in the treatment of this illness. Since olden day's psoriasis is treated using natural remedies and have proved its efficiency. It is safe and will remove the disease from its base without causing any harmful effect on the human body. You can take these medicines for a long period of time without any fear in the mind. Psoriasis is a chronic condition and will require treatment for months to remove it completely from the surface of skin. Here are a few psoriasis natural remedies which will help you in curing your illness completely. It is a hectic task and you have to wait patiently for the results to show. You cannot expect a rapid cure as this illness have got deep seated roots in the human body.

    • Sunlight- This is one of the best psoriasis natural remedy. The ultra violet rays produced by the sun are known to block the formation of cytokines. This will reduce the inflammation and decrease the severity of the illness. It is advisable to expose yourself to the sun daily for 10 minutes. You can start seeing changes in your illness after a time span of 6 months. Using sunscreen lotions having SPF more than 15 is also useful to control the itching and scaling present on the skin.
    • Warm Bath- This is one of the most important psoriasis natural remedies present nowadays. Add a little amount of vegetable oil into it and wash your skin daily. This will help in softening your skin and reduce itching. Do not remain in water for more than 10 minutes if you are suffering from this illness.
    • Dead Sea Salt- It is known as the best psoriasis natural remedy present in today's world. The water contains all the essential ingredients required for clearing your skin problems.

    Check here for more detail:
