Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What is High Blood Pressure? 
Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the artery walls. High blood pressure (hypertension) and low blood pressure (hypotension) can both cause cardiovascular problems. 

High Blood Pressure (hypertension), often called a silent killer, is the pressure of the blood in the arteries. 
Blood pressure is typically recorded as the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (time between two beats). 
A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher is considered high blood pressure. 
Untreated, high blood pressure will cause heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, injury to the brain and eyes. 

Common Causes of High Blood Pressure:
Genetic factors 
Excessive alcohol 
Birth Contol Pill
Pain relievers 
Other underlying causes may include: 
Kidney diseases 
Adrenal diseases 
Abnormal blood vessels 
Eclampsia / Pre-eclampsia in pregnant women
Thyroid diseases
Home Remedies for High blood Pressure

Tip 1:

Powder 100 gm melon seeds and 100 gm poppy seeds (khus-khus). Mix and store in a clean container. Consume 1 tsp with water morning and evening. 

Tip 2:

A clove of garlic is highly recommended for high blood pressure. Chew one clove of garlic first thing every morning and wash it down with water. The garlic can also be coarsely pound and swallowed with water. 

Tip 3: 

Make a juice of 25-30 curry leaves with 1 cup of water. Strain and drink first thing in the morning. Limejuice can be added for taste. 

Tip 4:

In the same manner coriander or fenugreek(Mehti) leaves can be tried they won't harm in any way and at the same time one can find out what is best suited to their system. 

Tip 5:

Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp cumin powder (Zeera). Have twice a day. 

Tip 6:

Apple Cidar Vinegar & Honey has helped some people reduce BP.
Here are some testimonials I found on-line.:

8/1/2007: Yvonne from London, England writes: "I had really high blood pressure for me 174/114 and I tried 2 tbls ACV in apple juice twice a day for two weeks. have just had my blood pressure tested by the nurse and it is 130/72. She was as amased as me have now had my blood test done for diabetes and cholesterol will let you know the results when I get them. Thank you for the advice." 

7/19/2007: Luis from Bklyn NY, NY writes: "I do suffer from diabetes for several years. Several weeks ago I went to the doctor and they told me that my cholesterol was quite high 210. I began taking ACV once a day 2 tablespoons a day. In about a month time my cholesterol went down to 160 and blood pressure to 1about 120/80

/18/2007: Keith from Vancouver, Canada writes: "ACV and honey worked for me. I mixed acv and honey 50/50 with garlic,and took 2 tblsp twice a day. In 2 weeks my blood pressure went from 150/100 to 130/80. I place the 2 tblspoons in dandelion tea, drinking it cold from a champagne glass. I keep a jug of the tea in my fridge. Very economical and handy. It tastes better than champagne!! Probably any tea would do, and I will start using it with green tea too." 

7/9/2007: Manjo from CT, New London writes: "My BP was high around 96/146 for several weeks. After reading experiences on this site 
I started ACV. Now it is normal after 3 weeks of 3 times a day 2tsp ACV with 1tsp honey and glass of water. I also exercise for 1hr daily, feel much better."

4/29/2007: jon from Laconia, New Hampshire writes: "Going in to the military and I needed to lower my blood pressure. 154/85 at the beginning. Since I started using Apple cider vinager, and taking 1000 mg garlic pills. My blood pressure has dropped to 139/80 which is still on the high side, but it's only been two weeks."


11/15/2007: Barbara from Wallback, West Virginia writes: "I have been using ACV to lower my BP since Feb 07 (9 months) very happy with the continued results 121/82 and holding pretty steady, thanks to those who have emailed me asking questions please feel free to write with your questions"

11/23/2006: Charles from Greensboro, NC writes, "Apple cider vinegar 2 Tablespoons in 8oz water 3 times a day lowered my high blood pressure.
154/103 pulse 75 10/20/2006 
133/97 pulse 77 11/23/2006" 

To read more testimonials click on the link below:


  1. Water melon Juice:

    Crush water melon.
    Make a thick pulp, garnish with little salt and pepper.
    Drink this daily.
    Helps to reduce High Blood pressure.

  2. High Blood Pressure treatment using Garlic:
    Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said to reduce spasms of the small arteries. It also slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within the digestive tract. It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or two to three capsules a day.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Indian Gooseberry:
    Indian gooseberry is another effective remedy for high blood pressure. A tablespoon each of fresh indian gooseberry juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Lemon:
    Lemon is also regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is a rich source of vitamin P which is found both in the juice and peel of the fruit. This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Watermelon:
    Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. A substance extracted from watermelon seeds is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Rice:
    Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Potato:
    Potatoes, specially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure. When boiled with their skin, they absorb very little salt. Thus they can form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Parsley:
    Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20 gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times daily.

    High Blood Pressure treatment using Vegetable Juice:
    Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken in combination, 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed to make 500 ml or half a litre of the juice, and taken daily. If taken separately, one glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.

  3. ~The most effective home remedy to treat high blood pressure would be to chew a clove of garlic in an empty stomach. Have a glass of water to swallow it down.
    ~Take 1 tablespoon each of fresh amla juice and honey in the morning. This is an effective natural remedy to lower the blood pressure.
    ~Take equal proportions of watermelon seeds and khas khas. Grind them to make a powdery substance. Have 1 tsp of this powder on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening. This is helpful in controlling the high blood pressure.
    ~Consume a tsp of fenugreek seeds with water. Repeat this both in the morning and evening for 10 to 15 days.
    ~Consume fresh papaya in an empty stomach for a month. This would help lower the high blood pressure.
    ~Walk barefoot on green grass for about 15 to 20 minutes everyday. This improves blood circulation and helps to maintain the blood pressure at normal.
    ~Take equal proportions of onion juice and honey. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture two times a day. This is an effective natural remedy to cure high blood pressure.
    ~Prepare a juice using 25 to 30 curry leaves in a cup of water. Strain this drink and consume it in the morning. Lime juice can also be added to the mixture.

    (Compiled ifrom the net)

  4. 1. Make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of filtered water every single day. Avoid chlorinated water.

    2. Avoid salt altogether if you can.

    3. Try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

    4. Exercise on a daily basis. Try to do it moderately though. Swimming, yoga, jogging, dancing, etc. is very good for you.

    5. Try to avoid stress if you can. Take your mind off of anything that bothers you. Take on a hobby.

  5. Eat a papaya first thing in the morning every day and do not eat for two hours afterwards.
