Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why SESAME OIL is called the Queen of oils?(Compiled)

Sesame oil (also known as "gingelly oil" or "til oil") is an edible vegetable oil derived from Sesame seeds.
Sesame Seed Oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. It is naturally antibacterial for common skin pathogens, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete's foot fungus. It is naturally antiviral. It is a natural anti inflammatory agent.
It has been used extensively in India as a healing oil, including in experiments which showed it was useful in unblocking arteries. In recent experiments in Holland by physicians, the oil has been used in the treatment of several chronic disease processes, including hepatitis, diabetes and migraines.

In vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited the growth of malignant melanoma (a skin cancer): PROSTAGLANDIN LEUKATRINES and ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS 46: 145-150, 1992.
Also in vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited replication of human colon cancer cells: ANTI CANCER RESEARCH 11: 209-216, 1992.
Research shows that sesame seed oil is a potent antioxidant. In the tissues beneath the skin, this oil will neutralize oxygen radicals. It penetrates into the skin quickly and enters the blood stream through the capillaries. Molecules of sesame seed oil maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

Sesame seed oil is a cell growth regulator and slows down cell growth and replication.

In both the small intestine and the colon, some cells are nourished by fat instead of sugar. The presence of sesame seed oil can provide those cells with essential nourishment.

As nose drops, sniffed back into the sinuses, sesame seed oil has cured chronic sinusitis.

As a throat gargle, it kills strep and other common cold bacteria.

It helps sufferers of psoriasis and dry skin ailments.

It has been successfully used in the hair of children to kill lice infestations.

It is a useful natural UV protector.

Used after exposure to wind or sun it will calm the burns.

It nourishes and feeds the scalp to control dry scalp dandruff and to kill dandruff causing bacteria.

It protects the skin from the effects of chlorine in swimming pool water.

Used before and after radiation treatments, sesame seed oil helps neutralize the flood of oxygen radicals which such treatment inevitably causes.

On the skin, oil soluble toxins are attracted to sesame seed oil molecules which can then be washed away with hot water and a mild soap.

Internally, the oil molecules attract oil soluble toxins and carry them into the blood stream and then out of the body as waste.

Used as a douche mixed with warm water, the oil controls vaginal yeast infections.

Sesame seed oil absorbs quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It enters into the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly.
 Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility.
 It keeps the skin supple and soft.

It heals and protects areas of mild scrapes, cuts and abrasions.
 It helps tighten facial skin, particularly around the nose, controlling the usual enlargement of pores as skin ages chronologically.
 Teen boys and girls have learned, wrongly, that all oil is bad for their facial skin. Heavy oils and toxic oils and creams are bad for all facial skin. But sesame seed oil is the one oil which is actually good for young skin.
 It helps control eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop both on the surface and in the pores.
 With sesame oil, no cosmetics are needed. The oil will cause young facial skin to have and display natural good health.

Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes. In the nose and ears, it will protect against common skin pathogens.

For children going to school, who will be in the presence of other children with colds and sniffles, sesame seed oil swabbed in the nose can protect against air borne viruses and bacteria.

When using the oil as a massage oil, stroke the long limbs up and down. Use circular motions over all joints to stimulate the natural energy of those joints.

For hair care: 
Applying sesame oil to the hair is said to result in darker hair. It may be used for hair and scalp massage. It is believed to reduce the heat of the body and thus helps in preventing hair loss.
 To Reduce Blood pressure:
Sesame oil has a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
It is suggested that due to the presence of high levels of Polyunsaturated fatty acids in sesame oil, it may help to control blood pressure. It could be used in cooking in place of other edible oils and to help reduce high blood pressure and lower the amount of medication needed to control hypertension.
Sesame oil is unique in that it has one of the highest concentrations of omega-6 fatty acids.  At the same time, the oil contains two natural-occurring preservatives, sesamol and sesamin. Therefore, sesame oil is the only oil which has a high percentage of polyunsaturates and also keeps at room temperature. (Comparatively, olive oil also keeps at room temperature, but is predominately composed of the omega 9 monounsaturated oil.)
The effect of the oil on blood pressure may be due to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and the compound sesamin – a lignan present in sesame oil. There is evidence suggesting that both compounds reduce blood pressure in hypertensive rats. Sesame lignans also inhibit the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in these rats.

For Oil Pulling:
Sesame oil is one of the few oils recommended for use in oil pulling(sunflower oil  is the other oil recommended).
During your morning bathroom routine simply take a small amount of oil into your mouth and chew it and swish it around while you do other things. The RAW oil will attract and hold bacteria and toxins.
To really clean the mouth and throat membranes, our recommendation is to do this for twenty minutes. Do not swallow this as the mix becomes more and more laden with toxins and pathogens.
The golden oil will turn white. Spit it out into the commode, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush as you normally would. If a cold has started, do this several times a day.
Germs will be gone from mouth and throat. Bleeding gums will heal. Teeth will whiten. Tartar will be gone. Breath will be sweet. Colds will diminish or disappear completely.
Adverse effects
Sesame oil is not known to be harmful when taken in recommended dosages, though the long-term effects of taking sesame-derived remedies (in any amount) have not been investigated. Due to lack of sufficient medical study, sesame oil should be used with caution in children, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and people with liver or kidney disease.
Because of its laxative effects, sesame oil should not be used by people who have diarrhea.
Oil massage should be avoided immediately after administering enemas, emetics or purgatives, during the first stages of fever or if suffering from indigestion
People who are allergic to Peanuts are likely to be more susceptible to Sesame allergy.
Read more here:

Health: Detox naturally

If you're ready to flush the wastes and toxins out of your body, then you'll want the information. Here's bomething I compiled from information I collected on-line.

What is a Detox Routine?
Simply put, a detox routine is an all-natural method of "cleaning out your pipes" by providing your body with the time and conditions it can use to rebuild and heal. There are many different detox routines in the world of natural health:
  • water fasting
  • juice fasting
  • minimal eating
  • herbal detox
  • detox baths
  • colon cleansing
  • caloric restriction
  • and many others
Anything that supports our body's elimination of waste can be said to help us to detox naturally. The human body is designed to detox quite well, if given enough pure water and fiber. Fasting and colon cleanses are not required for detoxification or even recommended.
Nothing kills life quicker than a lack of water!
Simply increasing liquids and decreasing fats and proteins in our diets will shift the balance strongly toward improved detoxification, elimination, and less toxin buildup.
Increased consumption of filtered water, herb teas, fruits, and vegetables and other fiber rich foods and reducing consumption of fats, red meats, and milk products will also help you to detox naturally. Adding fiber to your diet will help the body detox by promoting regularity. Fasting and colon cleansings are not required for detoxification or even recommended.
Water is an important detoxifying agent in your body. It helps clean us through our skin and kidneys, and it improves our sweating with exercise. Eight, eight-ounce, glasses (i.e., 64 ounces) a day (depending on our size, air temperature, and activity level) of clean, filtered water is suggested.
Drink More Water, to detox naturally!
  • Get in the habit of taking a drink of water on the hour, every two hours. You could even use a timer to remind you.
  • Try to make drinking water more convenient, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Leave bottles of water in strategic places, such as in the car, next to your bed, computer, and television.
  • You will drink more, if you keep your water cold.[3]
  • Anybody who asks "How much" or "What kind of water" is missing the point! Get into the habit of drinking fluids. Worrying about the details is nothing but another excuse to procrastinate.
  • Do not worry about "How much" or "What kind of water" until you have been in the habit of drinking water regularly for a couple of years.
Many people are dehydrated without realizing it. If you drink only when you feel thirsty, it is too late. You are already dehydrated. In addition, as you get older, your sense of thirst does not work properly. It is only when you start to hydrate your body that you will begin to realize how bad you felt before!
Most of us are chronically dehydrated.
We have to discipline ourselves to drink enough water. The key to proper hydration is that you must schedule your water intake.
Most of us do not naturally drink the amount of water necessary for good hydration. We go about life with chronic borderline dehydration. Thus, we suffer poor detoxification and a variety of global health conditions. Remember that you must make a consistent, conscientious effort to drink more water to properly detox!
A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water every two hours during the work day.
Newspaper articles, health and beauty magazines all advise drinking at least 8 full glasses of water a day
Regular bathing is essential to cleanse the skin of the toxins it has released and to open the pores to eliminate more. Saunas and sweats are commonly used to help purify the body through enhanced skin elimination.
In Conclusion: The body has detoxification systems that work best under conditions of regularity. Eat a healthy diet with adequate amounts of water and fiber, and your body will detox naturally.
Detox Foods
Garlic has been used for its beneficial effects for thousands of years. It is a blood cleanser, a natural antibiotic it also reduces blood fats thinning the blood and lowering blood pressure. To avoid the lingering smell when you eat raw garlic, simply peel the garlic clove, cut it lengthways and remove the heart (which is sometimes green). If you prefer to avoid the smell of garlic altogether, there is a multitude of garlic supplements in the health food shops to choose from
Coriander (Cilantro)
Some studies have shown that the leaves of the coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead and aluminium from the body. This delicious herb, when added to food, can greatly contribute in the detox process. It is available all year round.
You can use it instead of basil to make a delicious coriander pesto.
Mix fresh coriander leaves (about 25 stems) with 1/2 a cup of pine nuts, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of lemon and 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a blender until you get a smooth paste (you can make the paste less lumpy by adding hot water). It's very tasty with pasta or as an accompaniment to vegetables or fish.
Other detoxifying roots and herbs include:
A lymphatic cleanser Dandelion root: A tonic, a liver and blood cleanser, diuretic and filters toxins Cayenne pepper: Purifies the blood, increases fluid elimination and encourages sweating
Ginger root
Stimulates blood circulation
Is a potent detoxifier it also balances biochemical functions and acts as a mild laxative
Parsley leaf
A diuretic it flushes the kidneys Red clover blossoms: A blood cleanser that's very useful during convalescence and recovery.
Fresh Vegetables
Great detox vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts and onions. Artichokes are well known for their liver detoxifying properties. Also recommended are beetroot and red and green vegetables.
Fresh Fruits
All fresh fruit is good for detox provided it is eaten on its own, not before, with, or after food. A fresh fruit or fruits juice fasting is often recommended for a short (3-day) fast to cleanse and detoxify. Fruit can be fresh, frozen or dried. It includes apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, raisins, pineapple, mango, kiwi fruit, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, melon, sultanas, nectarines and peaches.
Detoxifying is an important factor for maintaining optimal health. Some commons foods are known to aid detoxification and support the body's elimination process.

Lose Weight Fast - 5 Detox Tips To Speed Metabolism & 5 Tips To Lose Weight Fast!

By Sacha Tarkovsky
The enclosed ten tips are designed to help you lose weight fast.
The first 5 will get your metabolism working quickly to burn fat quicker and then you the 5 tips that follow will help you lose weight easily.
These 10 tips can be incorporate in sensible any diet and will see you shed pounds and lose weight fast!
5 Detox Tips
The body needs to be working as efficiently as possible to lose weight fast; as if your body organs are working at maximum efficiency you will shed weight quicker. Logical but not many people think about this when dieting
So here are your 5 easy natural detox tips
 Eat cherries and strawberries
These foods are rich in ellagic acid a nutrient that helps mop up free radicals and help combat pollutants such as alcohol and as a by product they boost brain power.
You can also add raspberries an alternative to the above 2 choices.
Eat Grapes
These are rich in flavinols, which help your arteries work to their maximum and make blood run smoothly and quickly around the body.
Eat citrus fruits such as berries
These foods are rich in vitamins C & E, which will help cleanse and detoxify the liver making it work more efficiently.
Prunes & Fibre
Eat prunes as they will naturally cleanse the colon stimulating the gut and help expel waste quicker, you should also up your intake of fibre as well to cleanse the colon further.
If you are smoker this food is particularly useful, apricots are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C which helps repair smoke damage to the lungs.
Cranberries or juice
Contains pro-anthocyanidin which are antioxidants that will help cleanse and flush out the kidneys.
You can also add a couple of supplements if you wish top the above list to help detoxify further. Alfalfa and milk thistle are good choices. The first acts as a general cleanser and the second as a cleanser for the liver.
Your organ will be working more efficiently with above foods and this will help you get rid of weight faster as your kidneys and liver in particular will work more smoothly.
Now here are 5 tips to lose weight fast
5 Easy weight loss tips
Drink Iced Water
Two litres a day minimum. Water has to be iced as the body will burn 100 calories just heating the water to normal body temperature. Also hunger pangs are very often thirst pangs, so this will help you stop over eating.
Add lemon to flavor if you wish and gain the added benefit of cleansing your liver at the same time.
Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush waste quicker. When you don't drink enough water the liver needs to help the kidneys perform this function. When the liver has to help the kidneys its normal function of providing stored fat for energy is slowed down.
Green tea
Drink 5 cups a day. Research shows this can burn a massive 80 calories a day! It is believed the antioxidants in green tea boost the metabolism and help burn fat.
Chilli sauce & mustard
These foods increase your calorie burning capacity by between 5 - 10% for up to 2 hours after eating. This is because they contain capsaicin which speeds the metabolism, so if you enjoy hot food your in luck!
Low fat diary foods
Can increase fat burning in the abdominal area. Why? Because these foods are rich in calcium which encourages the release of fat from fat cells and also reduces the amount of fat absorbed.
Eat Fiber
Eating fiber foods to help keep things moving through your bowel as stated above and makes you feel full.
The average person can lose 9-10 pounds in one year just from doubling their fiber intake aim for 25grams per day ( the average for most adults is just 8grams ) fiber rich foods include strawberries, apples, brown rice, chick peas, potatoes ( with skins ) and brown rice.
The above tips should be incorporated into a sensible diet and they will enhance it and help you lose weight fast.
Revive, renew and rejoice the new you!
Doing away with the chemicals in our life’s can be the easy part. When it comes to detoxifying your body, you definitely need a plan. Try these great top ten tips and get on your way to a new, healthier you.
  1. Eat plenty of fiber, brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables if they are available. If you cannot find organically grown produce locally, try growing your own fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Take herbs for your health! Cleanse and protect the liver by using herbs such as dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle and switching to green tea.
  3. You need your Vitamin C! This important vitamin helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.
  4. Drink plenty of water! You should drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  5. Relax and breathe! Taking deep breaths allows oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.
  6. Bust stress! Do away with stress by emphasizing positive emotions as well as the positive in every situation.
  7. Hydrotherapy is important! Try taking a very hot shower for five minutes, Follow this with cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat this three times, then get into bed for 30 minutes and relax.
  8. Sweat it out! Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate waste through perspiration.
  9. Dry-brush your skin! This will help to remove toxins through your pores. You can locate special brushes at natural products or health food stores.
  10. Exercise! Oh yes, you knew that word was in there somewhere. Be sure to exercise for one hour every day.
By faithfully following these ten rules you will be able to revive, renew and rejoice the new you in no time at all.