Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Home Remedy for cough:

Natural Remedy for cough: 
A mixture of ginger juice & honey (warmed), if taken before going to bed, brings great relief to severe cough

Tip 1:
Suck on 3 peppercorns with a pinch of black cumin seeds (shah jeera) and a pinch of salt. 

Tip 2:
Burn a clove by stirring on a hot tava or pan. Keep this in the mouth and suck on it. 

Tip 3:
3-5 drops of clove oil mixed with a clove of crushed garlic and ½ tsp honey helps soothe the throat. 

Tip 4:
In a cup of boiling water add 1 tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp carom seeds (ajwain). Boil till half. Add 1 tsp of honey and have 2 times a day. 

Tip 6:

Extract juice of ginger and mix with honey & take 3-4 times a day.

Tip 7:

3 peppercorns sucked with a pinch of caraway seeds and a crystal of common salt, provides relief from cough.

Tip 7: 

Drink Ginger Tea.

Tip 8:

3 cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night.

Tip 9:

Drink hot milk with honey at bed time. 

Tip 10:

Take 1/2 teaspoon of fresh Turmeric powder and mix it with 30 ml of warm milk and have it twice a day

Tip 11: 

Peel a piece of fresh ginger; put some salt over it and chew.

Tip 12:

Mix little lime juice & 1 teaspoon honey in 1/2 cup water & drink twice or thrice a day.

Tip 13:

Mix little black pepper powder and dry ginger power in honey & have twice a day.

Tip 14: 

Extract juice of Onion and mix it with honey and take it 2-3 times a day. It is an excellent cough syrup.

Tip 15:

Drink grapefruit juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey. 

Tip 16:

Drink herbal tea with cinnamon to stop the coughing. 

Tip 17:

Boil water and add salt, breath the steam after the water cools a little. 

Tip 18:

Drink a cup of tea with a cinnamon stick. 

Be Blessed.

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