Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Benefits of Curry Leaves (Compiled)

Curry Leaves (a.k.a. Curry Patta) are dark shiny green, aromatic and flavorful leaves of plant scientifically called Murraya Koenigi. These leaves make the south Indian curry flavorful and aromatic. They are slightly bitter in taste and used in making salads, Chutneys and spices in Indian/Asian Food.
Curry leaves consist of 66.3 per cent moisture, 6.1 per cent protein, carbohydrates 16.0 per cent, 6.4 per cent fiber and 4.2 per cent mineral matter per 100 grams. They are rich in vitamin and mineral content with calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and vitamin C.
Curry Leaves have a special place in Ayurvedic Medicines, because of their many health benefits.
Digestive Disorders: Buttermilk with paste of curry leaves, common salt and cumin seed powder is a common home remedy for digestive upset in Indian Homes. The curry leaves juice is also effective against heartburn.
A paste of these leaves with limejuice and honey/sugar/crystal sugar powder is a time-tested medicine in the treatment of “morning sickness” (hyperemesis graviderum). This paste is also useful for treating excessive vomiting and nausea in pregnant women.
Diabetes: Scientists are finding more about curry leaf – as it contain agents that slow down the rate of starch-to-glucose breakdown in people with diabetes. The curry leaves could control the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream. Ayurvedic research suggests a paste of about 8 to 10 fresh, fully-grown curry leaves is to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning for a minimum of 3 months for controlling non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. It also cures diabetes due to obesity, as the leaves have weight reducing properties.
Hair Tonic: These leaves nourish the hair roots. Add twenty leaves to a cup of coconut oil and heat the oil till the leaves turn black. Apply this blackened residual oil to the scalp 2-3 times a week. This oil forms an excellent Ayurvedic hair tonic to stimulate hair growth. This oil stops premature graying.
Herbal Mouth Wash: The fresh curry leaves contain 2.6% volatile essential oils along with chlorophyll, beta-carotene and folic acid, riboflavin, calcium and zinc. All these are excellent for keeping good oral health. Chewing 2 to 4 fresh curry leaves with 10 to 15mls water in the mouth, swishing for 5 to 7 minutes and rinsing the mouth out with water is a great herbal Mouthwash.
Kidney Disorders: Ancient Indian Medicine for kidneys recommends the juice of the curry plant root.
Insect Bites, Burns and Bruises: Curry leaves applied as a poultice can be effectively used to treat burns, bruises and skin eruptions. Fruits of the Curry Leaves with lime juice are used in treating insect bites and poisonous stings.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

~Breathing Exercises~

Breathing exercise -
Learn how to breathe completely
We breathe or die. We do it constantly by the end of our lives. Breathing exercise will help you to enjoy every breath and feel life. When I was a child, other children laughed at my belly, which moved while breathing and I kept wondering why only their chests moved when they breathed in.
When we breathe in, the air should reach the diaphragm (an organ in the mid section of the body, where ribs end) so that it remains inside the body long enough to allow oxygen to be absorbed. The stretching of the diaphragm makes a natural massage to the abdomen.

To find out whether you breathe completely, lie down on the floor and make this breathing exercise:
Place your hand on the abdomen. If your hand goes up when you breathe in, it means you breathe completely. If it stands still, you should make a conscious effort to make the air you inhale lift the hand on your abdomen. Lie down for a few minutes, breathe calmly and try to make the hand on your abdomen rise every time you breathe in. You can do it while watching television or reading. Start by consciously concentrating on the way you breathe and if you are able to do it while watching television, it means you have reached the state of subconscious complete breathing.
Another breathing exercise:
As a next stage, try to consciously breathe abdominally while sitting or standing. Once again, place your hand on the abdomen and try to make it move up and down while breathing calmly. Concentrate on it; when you notice you are breathing abdominally while standing or watching television, it means it has become a part of your nature and you are fully enjoying every breath.
Breathing exercise rule
For physical activity your body needs more oxygen, i.e. you have to take in more air in deeper, controlled, conscious breaths. When I started exercising I used to make 10 repetitions at a single breathing in. I was in a hurry to finish the set before I was out of breath. I was not aware of doing it, until a friend joined me at the gym and noticed I was not breathing while making an exercise. It sounded odd and I began watching my breathing and tried to control it.
  A 20% reduction in oxygen blood levels may be caused by the aging process and normal breathing habits. Poor breathing robs energy and negatively affects mental alertness. Unless breathing is exercised, aging affects the respiratory system as follows:
  Stiffness: The rib cage and surrounding muscles get stiff causing inhalation to become more difficult. Less elasticity and weak muscles leave stale air in the tissues of the lungs and prevents fresh oxygen from reaching the blood stream.
  Rapid, Shallow Breathing: This type of breathing, often caused by poor posture and weak or stiff muscles, leads to poor oxygen supply, respiratory disease, sluggishness, or heart disease.
     The following exercises are simple ways to deepen breathing and to cleanse the lungs. These exercises will also increase energy and decrease tension.
  Lie flat on your back to get a proper sense of deep breathing. (Have some small pillows available to reduce strain by tucking them under the neck and knees. The natural course of breathing in that position will create a slight rise in the stomach upon inhaling and a slight fall upon exhaling.)
  Place your hands palm down on your stomach at the base of the rib cage. (The lungs go that far down. What fills them deeper is the pushing down of the diaphragm. The diaphragm creates a suction which draws air into the lungs. the air is then expelled when the diaphragm pushes up. In this process, the life-giving oxygen fills the lungs and gets into the blood stream for distribution to the cells. Carbon dioxide is expelled from the blood into the about-to-be exhaled breath, thus cleansing the body and blood of waste products.)   Lay the palms of your hands on your stomach just below the rib cage, middle fingers barely touching each other, and take a slow deep breath.  (As the diaphragm pushes down, the stomach will slightly expand causing the fingertips to separate somewhat.
  This movement indicates full use of the lungs, resulting in a truly deep breath rather than the "puffed chest" breath experienced by many as the greatest lung capacity. Chest breathing fills the middle and upper parts of the lungs. Belly breathing is the most efficient method. Infants and small children use only this method until the chest matures.
1. Sit up straight. Exhale.
2. Inhale and, at the same time, relax the belly muscles. Feel as though the belly is filling with air.
3. After filling the belly, keep inhaling. Fill up the middle of your chest. Feel your chest and rib cage expand.
4. Hold the breath in for a moment, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible.
5.  As the air is slowly let out, relax your chest and rib cage. Begin to pull your belly in to force out the remaining breath.
6. Close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.
7.  Relax your face and mind.
8.  Let everything go.
9.  Practice about 5 minutes.

     Follow the instructions for inhaling the COMPLETE BREATH (Steps 1-3 above). Now, as you begin to slowly exhale, make a HUM sound. Keep making that humming sound as long as possible. Pull your stomach muscles in, squeezing out a few more seconds of humming. Then relax. Practice for 2 to 3 minutes.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What is High Blood Pressure? 
Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the artery walls. High blood pressure (hypertension) and low blood pressure (hypotension) can both cause cardiovascular problems. 

High Blood Pressure (hypertension), often called a silent killer, is the pressure of the blood in the arteries. 
Blood pressure is typically recorded as the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (time between two beats). 
A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher is considered high blood pressure. 
Untreated, high blood pressure will cause heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, injury to the brain and eyes. 

Common Causes of High Blood Pressure:
Genetic factors 
Excessive alcohol 
Birth Contol Pill
Pain relievers 
Other underlying causes may include: 
Kidney diseases 
Adrenal diseases 
Abnormal blood vessels 
Eclampsia / Pre-eclampsia in pregnant women
Thyroid diseases
Home Remedies for High blood Pressure

Tip 1:

Powder 100 gm melon seeds and 100 gm poppy seeds (khus-khus). Mix and store in a clean container. Consume 1 tsp with water morning and evening. 

Tip 2:

A clove of garlic is highly recommended for high blood pressure. Chew one clove of garlic first thing every morning and wash it down with water. The garlic can also be coarsely pound and swallowed with water. 

Tip 3: 

Make a juice of 25-30 curry leaves with 1 cup of water. Strain and drink first thing in the morning. Limejuice can be added for taste. 

Tip 4:

In the same manner coriander or fenugreek(Mehti) leaves can be tried they won't harm in any way and at the same time one can find out what is best suited to their system. 

Tip 5:

Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp cumin powder (Zeera). Have twice a day. 

Tip 6:

Apple Cidar Vinegar & Honey has helped some people reduce BP.
Here are some testimonials I found on-line.:

8/1/2007: Yvonne from London, England writes: "I had really high blood pressure for me 174/114 and I tried 2 tbls ACV in apple juice twice a day for two weeks. have just had my blood pressure tested by the nurse and it is 130/72. She was as amased as me have now had my blood test done for diabetes and cholesterol will let you know the results when I get them. Thank you for the advice." 

7/19/2007: Luis from Bklyn NY, NY writes: "I do suffer from diabetes for several years. Several weeks ago I went to the doctor and they told me that my cholesterol was quite high 210. I began taking ACV once a day 2 tablespoons a day. In about a month time my cholesterol went down to 160 and blood pressure to 1about 120/80

/18/2007: Keith from Vancouver, Canada writes: "ACV and honey worked for me. I mixed acv and honey 50/50 with garlic,and took 2 tblsp twice a day. In 2 weeks my blood pressure went from 150/100 to 130/80. I place the 2 tblspoons in dandelion tea, drinking it cold from a champagne glass. I keep a jug of the tea in my fridge. Very economical and handy. It tastes better than champagne!! Probably any tea would do, and I will start using it with green tea too." 

7/9/2007: Manjo from CT, New London writes: "My BP was high around 96/146 for several weeks. After reading experiences on this site 
I started ACV. Now it is normal after 3 weeks of 3 times a day 2tsp ACV with 1tsp honey and glass of water. I also exercise for 1hr daily, feel much better."

4/29/2007: jon from Laconia, New Hampshire writes: "Going in to the military and I needed to lower my blood pressure. 154/85 at the beginning. Since I started using Apple cider vinager, and taking 1000 mg garlic pills. My blood pressure has dropped to 139/80 which is still on the high side, but it's only been two weeks."


11/15/2007: Barbara from Wallback, West Virginia writes: "I have been using ACV to lower my BP since Feb 07 (9 months) very happy with the continued results 121/82 and holding pretty steady, thanks to those who have emailed me asking questions please feel free to write with your questions"

11/23/2006: Charles from Greensboro, NC writes, "Apple cider vinegar 2 Tablespoons in 8oz water 3 times a day lowered my high blood pressure.
154/103 pulse 75 10/20/2006 
133/97 pulse 77 11/23/2006" 

To read more testimonials click on the link below:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Save calories

See below for some more easy calorie saving ideas.
Item Calories* Substitute Calories* Calories* Saved
Starbucks grande café late (16 oz.) 190 16 oz. coffee or tea 5 185
12 oz. can of regular cola 137 Club soda water with a squeeze of lemon or lime 2 135
1 medium glazed doughnut 239 1 apple 72 167
4-inch cinnamon-raisin bagel 243 2 pieces whole grain toast 138 105
3 oz. bag corn chips 441 2 large carrots with 2 tbsp. hummus 106 318
1 cup chocolate ice cream 285 1 cup strawberries 53 323
3 oz. bag plain salted potato chips 465 2 cups popcorn air-popped 62 403
Pancakes with butter & syrup 520 1 cup cooked oats 166 354
Sources: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, 2007 and * Actual calories may vary by brand.

Reducing calorie intake promotes weight Loss – type of diet isn’t important

A major study concluded that it doesn’t matter which diet program you choose, as long as it is one that reduces your calorie intake and is healthy for your heart (low in saturated fat and cholesterol). See reference below. 

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Weight Loss Tips(Compiled)

Weight Loss Tips:
When you think of weight loss, you think of rice cakes and never eating. Well, that's why most people never lose the weight. In this section I will explain how you can lose weight without eating one rice cake and how you can eat not 1, not 2, but 5 meals a day and still lose weight!
Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to weight loss.
There are 4 simple steps to weight loss.
Here they are:
1) Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. Don't change anything, just eat like your normally do and count how many calories. Also, weigh yourself.
2) Starting the day after you counted calories, eat 500 calories less then you normally do. So pretend the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, eat 1500. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day all the time, spread those 1500 calories out over 5 small meals. Eat one every 2 and a half to 3 hours. Doing this will speed your metabolism.
3) Cardio.
Cardio is a must for weight loss. Jog, walk, swim, jump rope, ride a bike, whatever.. just do it! All it takes is 30 mins a day, 5 days a week.
4) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice a difference just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 10 lb weight loss. Anymore then 1 or 2 pounds lost a week is unhealthy. So look for 1 or 2 pound loss at the end of the week. Don't sound like much? You can lose 5-8 pounds a month! That's around 75 lbs a year! So if you have A LOT of weight to lose, you can lose it. If have just a few pounds to lose, you can lose it!
More Tips For Weight Loss
- Stay away from fat!
Get rid of the chips and candy. No more fast food, nothing fried. Stay away from high carb foods. Carbs will eventually turn into fat. Foods like bread, rice, potatoes, are high in carbs. They are ok to eat, but dont eat bread and potatoes ALL the time. Stick to high protein low carb/low fat foods like tuna fish (and other seafood), chicken breast, turkey, fruits and vegetables etc. (For more information, read the Diet & Nutrition section.)
Drink water! Drink around a half gallon a day, more if you can. Yes thats alot of water, but its that water that will give you energy and speed your fat loss.
- Strength training!
YES! Weightlifting isn't just great for muscles, its great for fat loss. Muscles burn calories. Strength training, eating better, drinking more water and doing cardio is what will make you lose weight. You can do just 2 of those things, and still lose weight. But if you do them all, you will lose weight faster!
- Weigh yourself at the end of every week.
If you ever have more then 2 weeks without losing any weight, its time to change something. Eat 250 less calories then you've been eating. And keep everything else the same. Each time you see weight loss stop for more then 2 weeks, decrease calorie intake by 250 until you get down to the weight you want to be. NEVER starve yourself!
- Sleep! YES! Sleep!
The easiest, yet most over looked step. Get atleast 8 hours of sleep a night.
Putting on weight? Could be thyroid.
If you are putting on weight despite regular exercise and watching what you eat, you might do well to take Get Ahead fitness expert Samreedhi Sharma Goel's advise.
In an hour-long chat with readers on March 24, she said: "You need to look into your diet. Eat more fibre like whole grain cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables. Eat less sweets, fried and refined foods."
If that does not help, you should get your thyroid gland function (done by a simple blood test) checked.

Does white rice make you gain weight?(Compiled)

1) No, it depends on the person and how much they eat as well as their lifestyle. If someone eats a lot of high-carb foods and then sits around all day long and doesn't burn the calories that they consume, that's when they start to gain weight. But if you eat a healthy amount of rices and breads and then are somewhat active and your body actually uses the calories and carbs, then you will be fine.
2) No one is fat because of what they eat, they can be fat because of how much of it they eat and what they do or don't do during their life. If you eat a lot of rice and bread but don't do anything, you'll start to gain weight. So just eat healthy, stay active, and you'll be in good shape. Although being asian doesn't really have much to do with it. Asians tend to be less overweight as a whole because they tend to eat healthier and have a more well-balanced diet. Just the fact that you eat a lot of rice and bread alone doesn't mean anything because you probably also eat a healthy amount of fruits, vegetables, meats and other products in order to have a healthy diet. If someone consumes an excess of one part of a diet and not enough of another, it leads to poor diet which can then lead to other health problems including weight gain. That's why Americans tend to be more overweight as a whole, we eat an excess of breads, meats and sugars but are often deficient in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. So since we don't have a balanced enough diet, we don't digest the food as efficiently and as healthily as we could. 

11 brain exercises that work (Received by e-mail)

Do you find that it's taking longer to process information as you get older?
Brain Pictures, Images and Photos 
Research backs this up. There are things you can do, though, to keep your brain fit as you age.
Brain Exercises That Boost Memory — and May Fight Alzheimer's
These tips and mental exercises can keep your brain sharper and may even help prevent the signs of Alzheimer's disease.
By Linda Melone
Like your muscles, your brain needs regular workouts to stay healthy and fit as you age. Why? Just as we lose some muscle as we get older, our brains can atrophy, too. More specifically, your brain's "cognitive reserve"— or its ability to withstand neurological damage due to aging and other factors without showing visible signs of slowing or memory loss — diminishes through the years. That can make it more difficult to perform mental tasks. But, just as weight workouts add lean muscle to your body and help you retain more muscle in your later years, researchers now believe that following a brain-healthy lifestyle and performing regular, targeted brain exercises can also increase your brain's cognitive reserve.
Putting Brainpower "In the Bank"
The bigger your brain's cognitive reserve, the more "backup" brainpower you possess. This reserve can protect your memory and perhaps even delay or prevent the visible symptoms of age-related neurological changes, including the damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. In fact, in a study of retired Catholic nuns, autopsies revealed Alzheimer's lesions in the brains of some 80- to 90-year-old nuns even though they did not exhibit symptoms prior to their deaths. "Leading a life of meditation and continued studying, eating a low-fat diet, and having strong social ties with other nuns created a life that increased their cognitive reserve," says Robert Bender, MD, medical director of the Johnny Orr Memory Center and Healthy Aging Institute in Des Moines, Iowa. "This enabled them to function very well despite the clinical evidence of Alzheimer's disease."
Regaining Lost Brain Activity — Even in Alzheimer's Patients.
In addition to helping you retain strong cognitive abilities as you age, new research suggests that making lifestyle changes and challenging your brain can also help regain lost brainpower. Physicians had previously believed that such loss was irreversible. In a six-month study, Dr. Bender and other researchers found that Alzheimer's patients recovered a significant amount of brain activity after undergoing a program involving drug therapy, physical exercise, low-fat diet instruction, cognitive training, socialization, and meditation. "We now know the brain is plastic, or resilient enough that we can actually make ourselves smarter," says Bender. "Even in cases of Alzheimer's disease, some normal brain cells remain, and research suggests they can be stimulated to create new connections."
The Healthy Brain:
A Multifaceted Approach
Researchers believe that the most effective plan to increase your cognitive reserve is to stimulate your brain in several ways. That includes diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors, as well as the daily flexing of your brain's neurons.
"Approaches to brain health include a well-balanced diet low in fat, low in cholesterol, and high in antioxidants," says Bender. In addition to good nutrition, regular exercise can promote vascular health to help protect brain tissue. And avoiding ruts and boredom is also critical. "The brain wants to learn new things," says Bender, noting that some researchers believe that people are more vulnerable to dementia when they pay less attention to the things around them. "When the brain is passive, it has a tendency to atrophy," he adds. For this reason, sedentary and relatively passive activities, like sitting in front of a TV for hours a day, can be detrimental to brain health over time.
 11 Brain Exercises That Work 
ovelty and challenge — and they can be fun. "Almost any silly suggestion can work," says David Eagleman, PhD, neuroscientist and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. "Drive home via a different route; brush your teeth with your opposite hand. The brain works through associations [which is why it's easier to memorize lyrics to a song than it is to try and remember the same words without music], so the more senses you involve the better."
Your morning newspaper is a great place to start. "Simple games like Sudoku and word games are good, as well as comic strips where you find things that are different from one picture to the next," says John E. Morley, MD, director of St. Louis University's Division of Geriatric Medicine and author of The Science of Staying Young. In addition to word games, Dr. Morley recommends the following exercises to sharpen your mental skills:
Test your recall. Make a list — of grocery items, things to do, or anything else that comes to mind — and memorize it. An hour or so later, see how many items you can recall. Make items on the list as challenging as possible for the greatest mental stimulation. Draw a map from memory. After returning home from visiting a new place, try to draw a map of the area; repeat this exercise each time you visit a new location. Do math in your head. Figure out problems without the aid of pencil, paper, or computer; you can make this more difficult by walking at the same time. Challenge your taste buds. When eating, try to identify individual ingredients in your meal, including subtle herbs and spices. Take a cooking class. Learn a new way to cook. Cooking uses a number of senses: smell, touch, sight, and taste, which all use different parts of the brain. Create word pictures. Visualize the spelling of a word in your head, then try and think of any other words that begin (or end) with the same two letters. Learn a foreign language. The listening and hearing involved stimulates the brain. Let the music play. Learn to play a musical instrument or study music. Refine your hand-eye abilities. Learn a new skill that involves fine-motor skills, such as knitting, drawing, painting, assembling a puzzle, etc. Engage your senses. Try activities that involve as many of your senses as possible, such as gardening. Learn a new sport. Take up an athletic exercise that utilizes the mind and body, like golf or basketball. Soon people will realize that they can take steps to keep their brains healthy, just as they know they can prevent heart disease by taking certain actions, says Bender. "In the coming decade, I predict brain wellness to be right up there with heart health — now that there's proof that living a brain-healthy lifestyle works!"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Health Benefits Of Eating Walnuts ¤ChrisTine¤

Health Benefits Of Eating Walnuts
walnuts Pictures, Images and Photos
Walnuts are a rich source of monounsaturated.. and polyunsaturated.. fats, hence are very beneficial in reducing the risk of heart diseases as well as certain types of cancer.
Consumption of walnuts helps lower the blood cholesterol levels, by lowering the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol.
These nuts are rich in antioxidants and are particularly high in ALA (alpha linolenic acid), a plant-based omega-3-fatty acid renowned for its health promoting qualities.
Walnuts are also associated with a degenerative, incurable and terminal disease called Alzheimer's. It has been established that the regular consumption of walnuts can reduce the risk or delay the onset of this degenerative condition.
As the nuts are a high source of the amino acid, argininethey help maintain the flexibility and elasticity of arteries, regardless of the cholesterol levels in the body.
Studies have indicated that the intake of walnuts towards the end of a meal can help prevent the hazards that fatty food can do to the arteries.
Walnuts also help strengthen the general constitution of the human body, prevent morning sickness, get rid of morning sickness and even prevent weight gain.
These nuts are very low in sugar and high in dietary fiber. This unique combination is very useful for people who want to lose weight, as it provides satiety with a fewer calories.
A good source of vitamin B, walnuts are known to help enhance the production of energy and aids in the process of digestion.
Apart from the benefits mentioned above, walnut oil is ideal for those who want to treat colic, dandruff, dry hair, gangrene and even open wounds. Also the green rind of the nut is used in the treatment of ringworm.
Walnuts Pictures, Images and Photos
Allergic reactions may sometimes occur on consumption of walnuts. These allergic reactions are sometimes immediate and specific, like swelling of lips, itching, eczema, skin rash, dizziness and nasal congestion etc. In some cases, the reactions are more delayed and general, like chronic headache, depression, insomnia, chronic bowel conditions and fatigue.
nuts Pictures, Images and Photos
Cooking TipsWalnuts are often used to prepare sautéed vegetables. You can also add crushed walnuts to yoghurt, along with maple syrup.
You can also sprinkle crushed walnuts on salads, to enhance their taste.
Walnuts are particularly good with baked recipes and breakfast treats. Some such recipes are carrot walnut muffins, walnut pancakes, walnut bread, etc.
nut love Pictures, Images and Photos 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Health Benefits of Papaya(Compiled)

Do you know yellow-orange fruits and vegetables contain a good amount of antioxidants including vitamin C, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids. Additionally, the scientists are studying the role played by this family of fruits and vegetables to prevent diverticulosis, cataract, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and hypertension.

Nutritive value of Papaya :

Per 100 gm.

o Vitamin A  : 1,750 I.U
o Vitamin B  : Thiamine 0.03 mg.
o Riboflavin : 0.04 mg.
o Niacin       : 0.3 mg.
o Vitamin C : 56 mg.
o Also contains Vitamin E and K.

o Calcium        : 20 mg.
o Iron                : 0.3 mg.
o Phosphorus: 16 mg.
o Potassium   : 470 mg.

•FAT : 0.1 gm.
•PROTEIN : 0.6gm.

Reported Health Benefits of Papaya
Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain and therefore valuable for aiding digestion.
The unique protein-digesting enzymes; papain and chymopapain have been shown to help lower inflammation and to improve healing from burns in addition to helping in digestion of proteins. The antioxidant nutrients found in papaya, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, are also very good at reducing inflammation.
The ripe fruit is easily digestible and prevents constipation.
Case studies indicate that this food taken alone for two or three days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.
The juice of the papaya aids in relieving infections of the colon and has a tendency to break down pus and mucus reached by the juice.
May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue (ripe papaya). Papaya’s fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya’s folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer
Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness).

Repairs hardened and damaged liver.
The seeds are antihelmintic, for expelling worms and they are given with honey. Chew and swallow two teaspoonfuls of seeds after each principal meal (three times a day).
Papayas may be very helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C as well as a good source of vitamin E and vitamin A (through their concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoid phytonutrients), three very powerful antioxidants.
Papayas are also a good source of fiber, which has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels.

The papaya contains a natural pain reliever. A papaya paste was used traditionally for the relief of burns, cuts, rashes and stings. A compound known as papain is derived from the papaya fruit and has long been used as a natural meat tenderizer. It is believed that this enzyme may help the body digest meats and amino acids more efficiently.

Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain that is why it is valuable for aiding digestion. 
The ripe fruit is easily digestible and prevents constipation. 
It is shown in a study that this fruit when taken alone for 3 days has a beneficial tonic effect in the stomach and intestines.
Papaya juice helps in relieving infections of the colon and can help break down pus and mucus. 
May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue (ripe papaya).
Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness). Taken 230cc. Of papaya juice or pineapple juice.
Slices of green fruits rubbed over meat and boiled with tough meat, make the meat more tender.
The seeds are antihelmintic, for expelling worms and they are given with honey. Chew and swallow two teaspoonful of seeds after each principal meal (three times a day).

The skin of the papaya is a first class external treatment for skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly. The pulp from the juicer can be used for this and as a poultice.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Health benefits of Barley and Barley water(Compiled)

Barley has been used for human consumption for the longest time. This is not only because it adds a unique delightful flavor to dishes, but because it adds nutritional value to the food we eat.

Health Benefits of Barley
Intake of barley is very likely to help you maintain your overall health in the long term. These whole grains are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids essential for our health. More importantly, barley is one of the richest sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber aids in proper excretion of waste products in the body, while soluble fiber (known as beta glucan) mixes with liquid, binds to fatty substances and allows them to leave the body. Barley is also seen to be rich in tocotrienols, which is an antioxidant which helps lessen risk for contracting heart disease and cholesterol problems.
Barley water, made by boiling the grain, is taken for kidney, intestinal & bowel disorders. It is more of a supportive tonic than a remedy.Source(s):
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Dr. Thomas Bartram
Barley Water.
The main claimed benefit of barley water is in supporting the kidneys especially in times of stress. It is also used as a therapeutic water for those who have kidney and bladder ailments.
Pearl Barley. Pearl barley is what you can find in groceries. These are hulled barley which have been processed to remove the bran.
A recipe for Barley water:
This recipe for Barley Water is based on the one given by Alton Brown on Good Eats.
Doing a search on barley water will show you lots of variations. It's suggested that you drink 1 - 2 cups daily to receive health benefits.
2 quarts water
1 cup hulled barley
2 lemons
1/4 cup honey
1 cinnamon stick
Several slices of fresh ginger
Place the water and barley into a medium saucepan; cover, set over high heat and bring to a boil. Once the barley comes to a boil, decrease the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. While the liquid is cooking, peel the lemons, being careful not to cut into the white pith. Juice the lemons and place the juice along with the peel into a 3-quart pitcher and set aside. Add the cinnamon stick and ginger slices.
After 30 minutes, strain the barley water through a fine mesh strainer into the pitcher. Discard the barley. Add the honey and stir to combine. Refrigerate until chilled. Will keep up to 5 days.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Signs of a Stroke-

Please have a look....This 5 min may save a life and lots of tears..... You could save a life.

Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T..R ...
My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.


During a
party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call ambulance)
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.)
She had suffered a stroke at the
party .
Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today.
Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this...


A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the '3' steps,
 Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.
The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking
three simple questions :

* Ask the individual to SMILE ..
* = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg 'It is sunny out today').
* Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

: Another 'sign' of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Alternative Cures to Lower Down Triglycerides Levels (Compiled)

Triglycerides are harmful for the body and increase the chance of heart attack.
Diet Related Causes:Many of the triglycerides causes are the same as the causes of high cholesterol.
1. Weight gain.

Triglycerides increase as weight increases. Studies have shown that for every 5 pounds of gained weight, there is also a corresponding increase of 14 mg/dl of triglycerides.
2. Diet too high in saturated fat.

This is probably the most well known answer to what causes high triglycerides. A diet that includes frequent servings of beef and pork will raise triglyceride levels as well as contribute to high cholesterol. It doesn't get much worse than bacon.
3. Diet too high in carbs.
Many carbs are converted into triglycerides by the liver. Refined sugar is the worst offender of all. Other carbs such as white rice and white bread have little nutritional content and will also be converted into triglycerides.
4. Uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes.
A sudden increase in triglycerides may be an indication of diabetes.
5. Too much caffeine.
Six cups of unfiltered coffee made in a french press has been shown to increase triglycerides by as much as 36%. It appears however, that one or two cups of filtered coffee each day is not among the causes of high triglycerides.
Other Causes of High Triglycerides
1. Cigarette smoking.
Controlled studies have shown that cigarette smoking increases triglyceride levels by about 10%.

2. Fasting for long periods of time.
When preparing for a lipid panel test, it is important to fast for 9 to 12 hours before hand. However, it has been shown that fasting longer than 14 hours can actually be one of the causes of high triglycerides.

3). A couple of other things that cause problems with triglyceride levels include extended periods of stress and some diseases. High triglycerides can even be a side effect of some medications. If this is suspected be sure to discuss it with a physician.
High triglycerides and high cholesterol often go hand in hand, but not always.
Alternative Cures to Lower Down Tryglycerides Levels

1) The first thing to do in order to lower your triglycerides is to start exercising. Begin with determining if you are overweight. If you are, that will give you a very obvious target to lose weight.
Burn it off. "Exercise lowers triglyceride levels," says Dr. LaRosa. "Though it's hard to tell whether it's a result of weight loss or better metabolism; but it could be both."
2) If you cannot do anything too strong, then you can simple climb stairs. This is the best kind of exercise to lose cholesterol and triglycerides. If you can manage 20 flights of steps a day, you can be assured that you will have a healthy heart for life. But begin with doing as much as you can and work your way up to it gradually.

3) It need not be pointed out that you would have to cut out all kinds of fried and fatty foods from your diet. It is also advisable to eliminate red meat, which is very high in triglycerides. You must also avoid eating egg yolks and whole milk and milk products such as cheese and ice creams. This will help you considerably.
4) Include Beans, Grains, Fruits and Vegetables in your diet.
Vegetables (No limit on servings - steamed, boiled, strained, or braised)
No restriction on the amount and type of vegetables, though cauliflower, broccoli, celery and potato skins are good. One dark-green and one deep-yellow vegetable should be taken daily.

5) Use whole grain or whole wheat bread instead of white Bread.
6) Cut Alchohol intake as every minute intake can increase your Tryglyceride level.
Avoid alcohol. "I think alcohol intake is the biggest aggravator of high triglyceride levels going," says Dr. DiBianco. "Avoiding even small doses of alcohol is important."
7) Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids should be had. Salmons are very good.
"You can get enough fish in the diet to bring triglycerides down," says Dr. DiBianco. "In fact, the fish oils seem to be most beneficial in those patients who are lacking it in their diets from a regular intake of fish. If somebody's eating fish as a part of his regular diet, he should be okay."
8) Avoid sugar, Aerated drinks, candies, chocolates and bakery items.
9) Low fat yougurt should be a part of daily diet.
10) Limit egg yolk intake to 2 per week
Fats & Oils:Make use of soft margarine or vegetable oils that are high in unsaturated fats (like sunflower, soybean, corn and cottonseed). Keep meat drippings in fridge before cooking and remove the hardened fat before cooking it.

12) Beverages (4oz per day)
Have Fresh fruit juice, black coffee, plain or herbal teas