Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

To Get Rid of double chin (compiled)

Hi ....
Try these out it really works.....

Doing some facial or more specifically neck or chin exercises might reduce your double chin. Here are a few easy to do exercises:

1)Press your palm to your forehead for 10 seconds while resisting with your head and neck. You should feel your neck and chin tighten. Repeat the movement with your hand on the back of your head, then on each side, with your hand cupped over your ear.

2)Lift your chin up and open and close your mouth as if you're chewing. Feel the muscles under your jaw and down the front of your neck tighten.

3)Sit up straight in an armless chair, holding the bottom of the chair with your hands at your sides, tilt your head back and alternately close your mouth pushing your chin forward and them open your mouth as wide as you can.

4)Lift chin slightly upward. With flat point of index and middle fingers press against indentation (hollow) formed by the two upper nodules of the larynx located at the curve from chin to neck. Do not be concerned in the beginning as to the precise location of pressure which you will discover through practice. Regard finger pressure as the resistance against the working muscles. Now press your back teeth firmly together and while maintaining this position, press the tip of your tongue against the inside of lower front teeth (gum line) increasing pressure with the tip of tongue in 10 or more gradual and definite steps (Count to 10). Hold end position of pressure for 6 seconds (count slowly to six). Release muscle work for 10 gradual steps (count to 10). Remove finger resistance. Repeat 4 more times.

5)Slap under the chin with the back of your hand. When slapping, start gently and build up speed gradually. Do this for a couple of minutes each time, two or three times a day.

6) Open your mouth wide, and then pull up your bottom lip over your bottom teeth. Move your jaw up and down as if you're trying to scoop something up with it - imagine the movement of the shovel on a digger scooping up earth or debris on a building site. Perform ten repetitions of this exercise each time, and again do this two or three times a day.

Here is more advice and input:

Eat healthily. First, eat an apple or grapes with some whole grain bread or cereal. Have a snack! Like like a salad or something. Exercise lightly at first, then workout a little bit heavier everyday that you work out. This will make you look thinner and muscular too! It will also get rid of your double chin!

Facial exercises will definitely work! also eat a very balanced diet. Don't eat JUNK! because it will make you gain more than you trying to lose

Another exercise....

Say NO: Lie flat on the floor, lift your head SLIGHTLY (such that it is not in contact with the floor) and look to the sides one by one without letting the head rest on the floor. Will look a bit like you are saying NO.

Say YES: Again, lie flat on the floor, and bring your chin closer to your chest and bring it back making sure your head does not rest on the floor. This will look like you are saying YES. You will see the difference within a couple of weeks. No need to over do this. Just once a day ... say 20 reps

Friday, May 29, 2009

Facial exercises

Correcting Flabbiness Under Chin 

Step 1 Lift chin slightly upward.
Step 2 With flat point of index and middle fingers press against indentation (hollow) formed by the two upper nodules of the larynx located at the curve from chin to neck. Do not be concerned in the beginning as to the precise location of pressure which you will discover through practice. Regard finger pressure as the resistance against the working muscles.
Step 3 Now press your back teeth firmly together 

* and while maintaining this position.
Step 4 Press the tip of your tongue against the inside of lower front teeth (gum line) increasing pressure with the tip of tongue ** in 10 or more gradual and definite steps (Count to 10).
Step 5 Hold end position of pressure for 6 seconds (count slowly to six).
Step 6 Release muscle work for 10 gradual steps (count to 10).
Step 7 Remove finger resistance.

Repeat 4 more times.

To decrease a double chin and eventually take it away, lie on your back on a flat surface. Raise your head, slowly, and touch your chin to your chest. Slowly return your head back to the ground. Repeat this chin to chest exercise 10 times, and work up to 50 a day once the muscles are stronger.

Sagging Jowls

To help tighten up cheeks and neck that sag, pull
your bottom lip over your top lip and smile. Tilt your chin slightly upwards until you can feel it pulling on your neck. Hold this position for a 10 count, and repeat 5 times. Once you are accustomed to this exercise, try repeating the exercise 10 times per day, once in the morning and once at night.

Learn to deep breath

Learn to deep breath..

In this day and age deep breathing exercises can help with weight loss, relaxation, and sense of well being. 

Most of us are not breathing properly by breathing air up into our chest. Look at yourself in the mirror. Your lungs hang all the way down toward the bottom of your rib cage. More than likely, you're not filling them up with the precious air they need. Most of us inflate just the upper portion.

Simply lay down totally flat on your bed, your couch, or floor. Relax for a second or two before taking a deep breath. Now breathe in deep through your nose. Push your belly up while taking the air inside. Stick your chin on your chest and watch your belly rise. When you've got as much air as you can hold, stop and hold your breath. Try holding it for ten or twenty second. Then breath out.

Try it a couple of more times. It gets easier each time, right? That's the beauty of re-training yourself to breathe properly and when you implement some easy breathing exercises you will feel the difference. Don't you feel relaxed and refreshed at the same time? Your body is saying thank you, thank you! Just that very tiny bit of deep breathing and your body feels better. An immediate reaction.

Keep practicing for 5 more minutes. Now sit up. Again, try to accomplish the same deep breath while sitting up. Sit up straight. Start breathing in through your nose -then slowly stick your chin on top of your chest and watch your belly inflate with air. This may be a little harder because you might unconsciously revert back to shallow breathing. You'll know that this is true if your belly isn't inflating and you feel all the air in your lungs high in your chest. Don't give up. Concentrate on inflating your belly. Once filled as much as possible, hold it for twenty seconds and release through your mouth. You must practice this technique a few times to get used to it.

(Compiled together from the net)

To get rid of belly fat

Don't you just hat that belly bulge? Come on who doesn't? Millions of people all over the world are looking for the secret to make their belly bulge disappear. But is there a secret to achieve this? With so many diet pills and weight loss products all over the place nowadays it is really frustrating to find a program that actually delivers on it's promises. However, worry not! You are about to discover some stunning tips to help you get rid of your belly bulge and get the body you deserve.

    Tip #1- Drink a lot of water daily. It is no wonder why medical researchers recommend that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. Your cells are made up of more than 75% water content and therefore it is very important to keep them hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will speed up your metabolism and also help to flush out your system of toxins that can accumulate and make it harder for you to lose weight.

   Tip #2- Eat a balance diet at all times. When you have a balance diet, you body will be supplied with the nutrients it need to get energy and to regulate you metabolism.

   Tip #3- Eat slow at meals- Did you know that your brain takes several minutes after you are full to recognize it? Well that is a fact so it is very important that you slow down at meals to avoid over eating.

Tip #4- To get rid of belly bulge fast, you should do some exercises that target your abdominal region. Exercises such as abdominal crunches or using an exercise ball are very effective to work your abdominal muscles to get rid of the excess fat around your belly.

3 Easy Exercises For Belly Fat :By Jay Osborn

Whether it be because you don't have much time, or if you simply are too out of shape to do an entire, massive workout routine, there are still solutions for you if you're interesting in losing your belly fat. Just remember, you need to be consistent with whatever exercises you do, so that's my only warning. These will work, however you have to be willing to do them around three to four times a week.

Tip #1: The Tummy Tuck.

You'll be surprised, however this is an actual exercise that is quite easy to do and will tighten and strengthen the muscles in your stomach. It doesn't take much time, just try to hold in your stomach for as long as you can, then continue to do so throughout the day when you think about it. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference you'll see.

Tip #2: Modified Push-Up.

I saw and tried this one, and believe me, it actually works. Get into a push-up position however with your knees on the ground, then lift your feet up off theground behind you so that you're only on your knees. Then do the push-up slowly and use your abs to make sure that you stay as straight as possible. You will be amazed by the results.

Tip #3: Simple Crunches.

You may not want to do them, however crunches will really help to sculpt and work your core. There is simply no better way than to do some of the basics sometimes. In this case, you'll want to do a lot of them, however it works with some dedication and when used properly.

To stay hyderated this Summer...

Staying hydrated can be a challenge, especially during hot summer days.

Water makes up between 60 and 70 percent of the human body by weight, so all of us need to stay hydrated to keep our bodies running smoothly.

1) Drink lots of water and other fluids. Water 
helps to flush out toxins too!

2) Drop a flavor enhancing slice of lemon or lime into your glass of water.
3)Eating water-filled foods like watermelon, cucumber, is an easy and refreshing way to keep hydrated.

Read more:

Healthy dieting tips...(received by e-mail)

Who wouldn't want to get rid of a few pounds...I sure would as in the last couple of months I seem to have gained some weight.
Here are some reliable dieting tips.
1) Never eat before bed time. Your last meal has to be 3 hrs before bed time.
2) Eat more baked food & less fried food.
3) Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water before food, you'll eat less.
4) Don't taste food often when cooking. Many cooks over a lifetime gain around 13 pounds in their life time, just tasting food while cooking, (information from internet)
5) Laugh a lot. It helps to burn calories.
6) Don't eat what kids leave behind. Just avoid it!!
7) Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches are good but eat this too in moderation.
8) Avoid eating when watching TV.
9) Drink 4-5 liters of water/day & reduce or avoid areated drinks.
10) Exercise & walk daily.
(Received by e-mail)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drink Hot water (Compiled)

Water is same if you try to differentiate between hot and cold water. However, life is all bout learning good things. So why not try out hot water too. Probably it must have something good to offer to our healthy health.
As such drinking cold water doesn’t have any bad impact either.
Nevertheless let’s venture out what is there in drinking hot water. It has been found that hot water improves blood circulation. If you add honey and lemon, it makes the taste tastier and also it boost your body immunity.
It is proven that too much cold water can stimulate your kidney problems. So replace it with hot water, it makes thing easier. Your body mechanism reacts in a positive way. Try to drink different bottles of water and see how your body responds to it. Take the closer to your heart which means, that do not create any problem.
Try to drink at least extra pint of hot water if you are going to perform physical work or exercise. It is the perfect gourd to your body. Increase your drinking water in a day at least drink 8 glasses. It will purify your body and also improve to remove that unwanted materials from the body.
Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you get up; it restores lost moisture while sleeping you must have lost it.
Drinking a mug of hot water with a lemon before breakfast is the perfect solution to cleanse your system. This will count your daily requirement of water.
Try to offer someone a drink of hot water or an herbal tea.
Hot water makes your digestive system work smoothly. Try to drink a glass of hot water in the morning before taking anything. This may help you retain good skin. This is also advised to those weight or figure conscious people because it decreases fats from your body. Hope you like the journey of trying out hot water.
Water is not the life source without good reason.
Without it our body’s fine tuned engine runs less efficiently, & parts of it may even pack up working properly.

• Drink about 3-5 pints (about 2 litres) a day
• If you have 4-5% less than the recommended daily amount of water, it can affect your mental & physical performance by up to 20-30%
• Water flushes out the toxins in our bodies, which if they accumulate can cause dehydration which in turn causes tension, aches, pains, & headaches.
• water helps keep our joints well oiled, helping prevent joint disease such as arthritis in later life.
• water helps our gut work more efficiently, helping prevent constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, & many other related diseases.
• water hydrates your skin. Drinking enough water can combat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasisdry skinwrinkles & spots.
Add a squeeze or slice of the following to make your water more tasty:-
• lemon; to tone your kidneys }
• lime to tone your liver }combine these 3 for a hangover cure
• orange for vitamin C.
• kiwi fruit for 
vitamin C.
• strawberries for the sheer indulgence
I stick a slice of lemon & lime in a bottle of water if I’m on the move.
Avoid citrus fruits if you have joint disorders like 
arthritis, rheumatism, gout or osteo-arthritis
• try water hot, maybe with freshly sliced ginger, for a refreshing drink that improves your circulation. Add honey & lemon to make it even tastier & boost your immunity.
• the closer to body temperature water is, the easier your body takes it where it needs to go. Very cold water can over-stimulate the kidneys.
• try different bottled or filtered waters until you find one you like. You’ll be a connoisseur before you know it!
• drink at least an extra pint if it is hot or you are doing physical work or exercise.
• if you do drink tea, coffee, alcohol or fizzy pop, match glass for glass with extra water over the R.D.A.
• spread your water intake out throughout the day & drink most of your quota before 6p.m.
• drink a glass of water as soon as you get up to rehydrate from overnight & get your engine going.
• drinking a mug of hot water with lemon before breakfast to help cleanse your system. This counts towards your daily requirement.
• every time you put the kettle on or someone offers you a drink, ask for hot water or a herbal tea.
• if you drink a glass of water half an hour before every meal it dampens your appetite, & helps prevent you drinking with your meal which can decrease absorption of nutrients.

tips-to-lose-weight- (Compiled)

 Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.

Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It’s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.

Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.

Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster.

SIDE NOTE: Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water’ It’s amazing! Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I donated so much space to it, above.

Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.

Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds.

 Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.

 If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.

 Choose fresh fruit to processed fruits. Processed and canned fruits do not have as much fiber as fresh fruit and processed and canned fruits are nearly always sweetened.

Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

 Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always.

 Eat intelligently. The difference between man and beast is that we are driven by intelligence while beasts are driven by instinct. Don’t just eat something because you feel like eating it. Ask you’re self whether your body really needs it.

Watch what you eat. Keep a watchful eye on every thing that goes in. Sometimes the garnishes can richer than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that it is the easiest thing in the world to eat something without realizing that it was something that you should not have eaten. Selective memory you know’

Control that sweet tooth. Remember that sweet things generally mean more calories. It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. Go easy on theses things and each time you consume something sweet understand that it is going to add on somewhere.15. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

 Eat only when you are hungry. Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day’s party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely bit just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.

Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French fries tempting but terribly fattening.

Snack on vegetables if you must. You might get the pangs of hunger in between meals. It is something that you can very well control. Or even better, try munching on carrots. They are an excellent way to satisfy those hungry pangs and are good for your eyes and teeth. True, you might end up being called Bugs Bunny, but its miles better to be called Bugs Bunny than fatso.

 Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmless by themselves. It’s when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening. Did you know that having a cup of tea or coffee that has cream and at least two cubes of sugar is as bad as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake’

Try to stick to black tea/coffee. Black tea or coffee can actually be good for you. But personally I would like to recommend tea rather than coffee. The caffeine in the coffee is not really good for you because it is an alkaloid and can affect other functions of your body like the metabolism.

Count the calories as you eat. It’s a good idea to have an idea of the calories that most food items have. If it is a packed thing then the label is sure to have the calories that the substance has.

 be sure to burn out those extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel that you have consumed more calories than you should have during the week, it happens you know, and then make sure that you work off those extra calories by the end of the week.

Stay away from fried things. Fried things are an absolute no-no. The more fried things that you avoid, the lesser weight you will gain. Fried things are called so because they are fried in oil or fat. And even if the external oil is drained away, there is still a lot of hidden oil in it so stay away from it.

Do not skip meals. The worst thing you can do while watching you diet is skip a meal. It has just the opposite effect of what you want. You need to have at least four regular meals every day.

Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw. When you cook them, you are in fact taking away nearly half the vitamins in them. And canned vegetables too are processed and are not nearly half as good as fresh vegetables. When you buy your vegetables it would be a good thing to see if the label says that it is pesticide free.

 Nothing more than an egg a day.

Eggs are not such a bright idea. It would be best to reduce your intake of eggs to maybe three in a week. But for those of you die hard egg fans, you may have up to one egg a day but nothing more than that.

 Make chocolates a luxury and not a routine. Chocolates are not or at least they should not be a part of your diet. So do not indulge too much in them. Even the bitter chocolates are not good for you because though the sugar is less there is still the cream in them.

Choose a variety of foods from all food groups every day. This is a fine way of keeping deficiency diseases at bay. Change the items included in your diet every day. This is an excellent way of keeping deficiency diseases at bay and it helps you to experiment with a variety of dishes and there by you do not get bored of your diet.

If you can say no to alcoholic beverages please do. Alcoholic beverages too are not good for you. Beer can be fattening and the rest of the alcoholic drinks may not be fattening by themselves but after a couple of swigs you will be in no position to watch your diet and your appetite too will be something to battle with.

 Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking. It’s always best to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that your body can charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not to wait for your self to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but that does not mean that it should be the most filling meal of the day.

 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates. It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a diet. Rather the other way round I should say. Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy and so 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.

 25 to 30% of your diet should be proteins. Various processes and activities are going on in our bodies. Things are broken down and being built up again. Resistance has to be built up, recovery from disease too is needed and for all this the body needs plenty of proteins so see to it that 25 to 30 % of your diet consists of proteins.33. Fats should only be 15 to 20 %. You need only this much of fat in your diet so keep it at that.

Try and adopt a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet is undoubtedly better for those of us watching our diet. There are a lot of advantages of keeping to a vegetarian diet but I don’t want to sing an ode to vegetarianism now. What I would suggest is keep to a vegetarian diet as much as you can. Make a non- vegetarian diet a week end event or something if you find it impossible to give up eating all those animals.

 Choose white meat rather than red. White meat, which includes fish and fowl, is miles better than red meat, which includes beef and pork for those trying to lose weight.

 High Fiber multigrain breads are better than white breads. Remember how I told you to increase the fiber content in your food; well this is the answer to that. It is not only better in terms of the fiber content but also in terms of the protein content as well.

Reduce your intake of pork. Pork is not something that can help you to lose weight. So the lesser pork you eat the better chances you have of losing weight. And remember that pork includes the pork products as well, things like bacon, ham and sausages.

Limit your sugar intake. If you can’t have things unsweetened go for sugar substitutes. These things are just as sweetening but are certainly not fattening.

 Graze 5 to 6 times a day. Instead of sticking to just three meals a day, try grazing. Grazing means try having 5 or 6 smaller meals instead of three king sized meals. It is an excellent way of having smaller quantities of food.

 Go ahead eat cheat food, but only for flavor. There are many things which you have to avoid from your diet but which you may have an undying craving for. Do not avoid them altogether. You could call them cheat foods and indulge in them once in a while. But take care just to tingle your taste buds, don’t hog on them. Instead of that share them with others.

 Watch your fat intake. Each fat gram contains 9 calories so by reading the total calories on a food and knowing the quantity of fat, you can estimate the % of fat, which should in no way exceed 30% of the food.

 Go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of what it was last year.

 Change from table butter to cholesterol free butter. If you have a choice why not g for it, any way it is healthier for you and tastes just the same. Bear in mind that these small changes can go a long way towards weight reduction.

Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

 Use a non stick frying pan for your cooking so that you do not have to add oil. The golden rule is to try and avoid as much oil as possible and a non stick pan is the perfect solution to this problem.

Boil your vegetables instead of cooking them, or even better, eat them fresh. However if you do not like eating your vegetables as it is, try steaming them without adding anything at all. This is probably the healthiest way to eat cabbages, cauliflowers and a host of other vegetables.

Carry parsley with you. Parsley is an excellent thing to munch on in between meals. Not just is it good for you in terms of vitamins, but it is also a perfect way of making your breath fresher.

 Choose low fat substitutes or no fat substitutes. There are plenty of low fat or even no fat substitutes available in the market so why not choose wisely. It is much better for you heart too. Many people just go for shopping and pick up whatever they can. They do not bother to find out if there are nay substitutes for the thing they are looking for. In the markets of today, you will be astounded at the range of goods that manufactures have to offer. In fact with all the hue and cry that is being made about weight loss, low fat substitutes and no fat substitutes are hitting the stands faster than mushrooms that sprout after the first rains. So the next time you head for the stores instead of picking up what you have always picked up, see if there are better substitutes. Remember that our bodies need nutrients and not just calories. Fats give us nutrients but with more calories than what proteins or carbohydrates do.

Avoid crash diets. They are bad for health and you will gain what you have lost once you take a break. Crash diets are not a solution to weight loss. It might seem as if you have lost few pounds but the moment you give up on the crash diet every thing will bounce back with a vengeance. Take a look at it in this way. Do you think that it is possible for a person to survive on a crash diet for the rest of his or her life’ Certainly not! So at some time or the other, you will have to give up the crash diet and then you will see for yourself that a crash diet does more harm than good on the long run. Crash diets may have a lot to promise, but very rarely do these promises ring true. Crash diets are things people go on in order to wear an old dress or suit for a particular occasion. That’s the only purpose that they serve as far as I can see.

  God gave us teeth for a reason... Therefore we should develop a habit of chewing all food including liquid food and soft foods like sweets, ice creams at least 8 to 12 times. This is essential to add saliva to the food, as it is only in the saliva that sugar is digested. Often we find that whatever goes into our mouth goes down like lightning. We hardly give the saliva any time to act on the food. So does digestion take place like it should’ Do we just stuff our tummies with food that doesn’t get digested or in other words that doesn’t yield the benefits that it should’

Dry wine is better than sweet wine. Sweet wines naturally contain a lot of sugar. But on the other hand, in dry wines most of this sugar has been fermented away so from the weight point of view dry wines are better than sweet wines.

When you decide it’s time to start working out, start slowly and don’t get discouraged if you don’t achieve your fitness goals after the first week. Many people make this mistake. They feel that if they really push their bodies they can lose more weight in a couple of work outs. This is a very serious thing in fact. If you try to push your body too much in the first few goes, you are likely to end up with sprained joints, a sore back and even torn ligaments. The rule to be followed here is slow and steady wins the race.

Check your weight before you start the routine and keep checking for changes but do not expect a radical change immediately, it might be one or two weeks before you notice some change. However it is crucial that you continue to monitor your weight. You may bear in mind the fact that even a few pounds loss is a big achievement.

When you do notice a change, reward yourself. When I say reward I do not mean go for some goodies like chocolates or sweets. Maybe you could go for a movie or buy yourself something like a new dress or a trinket. This is something that can keep you going. It is a good idea to save on the money that you wanted to spend on ice creams and chocolates and then treat your self to something more substantial.

 You can take a day off from exercise every week. This is not just a very good idea but it is part of the exercise routine. Your body needs a day off from an exercise routine so do not hesitate to take a day off from what ever you have been doing.

 Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long

Try to collect some information about exercise, there are a lot of things that you can do at home. Extensive research has been done on exercise and plenty of this information is easily available. You can try browsing the net or getting a book or two on how to exercise at home. This information will be useful to you to know how much you need to work out on each specific exercise in order to burn off the desired number of calories.

Try to get somebody to exercise along with you. But it should be somebody committed or else your interest might dwindle. This is indeed an excellent idea. One of the advantages of getting a committed person t exercise with you is that it keeps you going. There may be days when you feel just too lazy to crawl out of bed in the mornings. On such days, the knowledge that some body is waiting for you is enough to slide out of bed. Another advantage is that you can discuss your progress and fears with another person and be a sympathetic listener to the other person as well. This is a fine way of getting motivated your self.

 Stop when your body has had enough. There is no sense in pushing it. When you have worked out for a considerable time, your body will start giving you signals. Heed those signals. This is particularly true in the initial stages. Take one step at a time. Stop when you are out of breath or when a certain part of your body tells you that it has had enough.

 If you want to increase your time of exercise or your work out routine, do it gradually and not in sudden steps. Well easier said than done. Most of us have such hectic schedules that it is quite impossible to fit in tie for exercise right’ Wrong. I want to say it once and for all, your body, or anybody’s body for that matter needs proper exercise. If you make up your mind to do it, you just can.

 Select an exercise pattern to suit your life style. All f us have different life styles and professions so there is no sense in trying to follow the book strictly. Try and follow an exercise routine that is suitable for you. You have to understand that even more important than the exercise it is sticking to it. So unless you choose something that can suit your life style, you are not going to stick on to it.

 Don’t stand, walk. If you can walk about then do so. Do not stand in a fixed position. Pacing about is a good thing to do. If you are thinking deeply about something, try pacing about, it will aid in your thinking.

 Don’t sit, stand. If you can stand, then do not sit. The golden rule is to choose a position that is less comfortable.

Don’t lie down, sit. The rule that we mentioned above rings true here as well.

 Do not be a couch potato.

It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don’t you’ That shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried!

If you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit, cut at the very root of the vine. And you want to know what the best way is for that’ Take away that favorite chair of yours. In fact, it would be a very good idea if you could keep a chair that isn’t too comfortable in front of the TV. This will discourage any tendency to become a couch potato.

 If you have a sitting job, stand up and stretch yourself every half an hour. Most of the jobs today are indeed sitting jobs that are in one word sedentary. This is especially true for those who sit and punch away at the keyboard or toy with the mouse all day long. So if you have such a job, make it a point to get up at least every half an hour and stretch your self.

While making telephone calls try walking up and down. I hope you will agree with me that this is an excellent suggestion.

 Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can. Elevators are one hell of a convenience particularly if you have to go up or down some twenty floors. But elevators also make us very lazy. There may be no sense in trudging up some twenty flights of stairs because by the time you get there you will be totally pooped. But while coming down, if you have the time, you can easily come down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Coming down is not at all exhausting. And talking about the time factor, I don’t think that there is much of a difference. Sometimes waiting for an elevator door to open at your floor after you hit the button can take up all of eternity.

Smoking is bad for weight loss. Smoking as such may not contribute to weight loss but smoking leads to other conditions like erratic eating habits and excessive dependence on things like coffee.

 If you hate running, remember, you do not have to run a marathon to stay fit. 10 minutes of cardio each day is good enough for most.

 And if you can’t run, try walking. 15 minutes of brisk walking a day is enough to keep most fit.

 Any distance is walk able if you have the time, so consider walking to places that you would normally drive (such as work or the market if they’re not too far away). It may take you longer, but the health benefits will last you a lifetime.

 It sounds strange, but some people have reported that they lost more weight when they drank black coffee before a workout. While there’s no hard data to support this, nutritionists speculate that the caffeine in coffee makes the body rely more on fat for fuel during the work out. It’s worth trying!

 Here’s a corollary to the tip above:

Avoid drinking coffee in excess, as it tends to desensitize your body to the fat burning effects of caffeine.

 Stop using remote controls. Remote controls are the bane of a prospective weight loser. They may be remarkable gadgets by themselves but from the weight loss point of view, they just aren’t very helpful. They really encourage us to take a laid back kind of attitude towards life itself. In fact if remote controls were not there, the television would not have become so popular. It is because of remote controls that people can remain where they are and switch from one channel to the other. And they only have to twitch a finger muscle to achieve this. Now, I have nothing against multi channel television sets but what I strongly advocate is that you get up from where you are and change the channel of the TV each time you want to do so. The same thing holds true for other remote controls as well. As it is we have remote controlled TVs, DVD players, A/Cs, garage doors, gateways and what not. The next thing we know is that we will have remote controlled people as well.

Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by you’ Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don’t. That is why we often ask our kids to fetch us this or take away that. Training your pet is a wonderful thing indeed. It is quite remarkable how some people get their dogs to fetch them something. But the fact is that while you may be making sure that your dog is getting a lot of exercise, you are neglecting your bit of the story.

 Here’s a pop quiz. Escalators help us to: 1.Move up and down faster 2. Gain weight 3. Stand stupidly as they move up and down 4 Look down at other people when you are going down 5. Look up to others when we are going up you have to pick the correct answer from the 5 alternatives given. You can see for your self that all the options are in a way correct. So the next time you travel on an escalator, don’t just stand there…climb up or down along with it. (Or better yet, take the stairs.)

During commercial breaks walk about. If you want to sit all evening with your eyes glued to the tube, then do so. But at least spare your eyes the agony of a commercial break. When the next commercial flashes on screen, instead of surfing, get up and take a walk. Reach over and try to touch your toes or do any such simple exercise that will at least get the blood flowing in your veins.

 Wriggle your toes and your fingers whenever you can. This too is a stress buster and it gives you a chance to at least work your hand and leg joints. This will tell you how sore they are and if their condition is so bad, just think of the rest of your body.

 Turn on music and dance like wild. Let your hair down once in a while. Go back to the days of wild child hood. Close the door of your room, and then do the wackiest dance that you can think of. Jump on your bed and jump off it again. Roll all over the floor.

 Carry a soft flying disc or Frisbee with you. Toss it around and get up to fetch it. This is also an excellent way to beat stress. It makes a person feel good to throw something away forcefully when the person is all worked up. And the thing that you throw is something soft and can’t damage anything, and then what is stopping you’ It is not really the throwing part that we are interested in. It is the fetching part. Each time you get up to fetch it back; you are giving yourself a chance to stretch those muscles and joints

 Get down at a block before your destination and walk the rest of the way. You might not have time to fit in long walks in your busy schedule so this is one way of ensuring that you at least get to walk for a little bit every day. If you take the bus or the subway, get down at an earlier station and see if you can walk the rest of the way. If you drive to work, see if you can get space in a parking lot that is a little away from your office.

 Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt. Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these muscles is even better than stomach crunches.

Try breathing exercises. You might be surprised to know that breathing exercises too can lead to weight loss. If you are doing the breathing exercises properly, you will find that you can exert a lot of pressure on the muscles around the mid section. You can feel a tightening of these muscles each time you breathe in or breathe out. So go ahead and breathe properly, it is good for you.

 If you can’t think of any thing else to do try punching your pillow. Now here’s another one of those weird ideas but believe me it works. Not too many of us have punching bags at home and if you have really fluffy pillow giving it a good punching routine is just as good as anything else. This is also a nice way of letting off steam so go for it. After all something is better than nothing. But I would suggest that you do not hit it too violently or else the stuffing might come out. Do not bother too much about the force with which you hit the pillow. It is number of hits that are important. Try to get at least fifty punches in one bout.

 Instead of waddling up and down the staircase, try taking them two at a time. Now this is something that you have to be careful about because we do not want you to trip. So when you do this make sure that your feet are well and truly planted on each step before you increase the beat and try two at a time.

If you have a dog, take it for a run and let the dog lead you on. You will be surprised as to how much exercise a dog can give you. Animals are sensible enough to know that they need a lot of exercise so let your animal lead you on. Take your pet dog out for as walk and before you know what hit you, it will turn out to be a run.

 Join a dance class. Dancing is a wonderful way to burn off those extra calories. It is true. When you dance you are in fact burning away a lot of calories. Of course we are not referring to the slow ballroom kind of dances in which one person actually leans on the other one for support. We are talking about fast dances. The best way to do it is by joining a dance class because they will really wok you out. But I would suggest that you wait for a couple more pounds to vanish before you think of becoming a ballerina.

 Whenever you can, lean against a wall with your hands flattened against the wall and in such a way that your face is very close to the wall. Then use you hands to push your body away from the wall. Do these two or three times at a stretch.

If there is a pool nearby go for swims as often as you can, swimming is one of the best exercises. Water has a lot of advantages. And if nothing else, a cool dip in a pool is a wonderful stress reliever.

 Try playing something like table tennis or basket ball. Games are a fun way to lose weight. It is much more exciting to play a game than just work out by yourself. The best thing about games is that they are addictive. Once you start playing you will soon end up with a friends’ circle and then the playing goes on without even you knowing it. It is something that you can look forward to and there is no stress involved in this program. In fact the more you play the less you will consider this to be a part of your weight loss program. As you burn away those calories, you will also be able to expand your social circle.

 Any work out should start with a 5 to 10 minute warm up and should end with a 5 to ten minute cool down session. Whatever physical exercise you are involved in, you must remember to warm up before the exercise really starts. Do not just plunge into the water and start thrashing about, to put it figuratively. Your body needs to reach a certain level of readiness before it can actually start responding to exercise. And this readiness is achieved by the warming up process.

 Do not carry your mobile phone around but leave it a place where you can hear it ringing. In this way you make sure that you at least get up and walk towards it. This might sound sill but I really mean it. You need a reason to keep yourself going. Life today has become so easy that we have every thing at our fingertips. All we have to do is push a button here and push a button there. The only things that get any exercise at all are our fingers. 

 A cell phone may be convenient, but the same thing can turn out to simplify life just a little too bit. 

 See to it that you have to actually stand up and walk a few steps before you can pick it up.

While traveling in an elevator instead of just standing there and staring stupidly at the numbers going up or down, try raising your self onto your toes and then back on your feet again. Do this several times. Also try flexing your muscles as well.

  Do not slouch in your chair but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.

 I would like to let you in on a secret. As it is I understand that most of us tend to put on weight particularly in the mid section, right. It is the tummy that seems to have a mind of its own. Well I will tell you a sure shot method to reduce the flab around the waist line. Mind you this doesn’t hold true for post pregnancy tummies. This is what you have to do. Breathe in air as strongly as you can and as you do so, tuck in your tummy as much as you can. Hold it like this for a few seconds and then slowly release your breath taking care not to let out your tummy. Try to keep breathing like this at least fifty or sixty times in a day. In fact breathe like this whenever you can remember to do so. After the first day, you should feel the muscles of your stomach tightening each time you do this. Then you know that you are on the right track. If you practice this without fail for 20 days, at the end of the twentieth day, you will have lost at least an inch.
